International Conference on Frontiers of Intelligent Computing : KIIT University

The 6th International Conference on Frontiers of Intelligent Computing: Theory and Applications(FICTA) was organized by the School of Computer Application and School of Computer Engineering, KIIT University on the 14th & 15th of October, 2017 in the premises of KIIT University.
The 6th edition of this International Conference brought together Researchers, Scientists, Engineers and Practitioners under one roof to exchange and share their theories, methodologies, new ideas, experiences and applications in all areas of Intelligent Computing theories and applications to various Engineering Disciplines like Computer Science, Electronics, Electrical and Mechanical Engineering etc.
Gracing the inaugural ceremony as the Chief Guest, Prof. Sanghamitra Mohanty, former Vice Chancellor North Odisha University & President, Odisha Bigyan Academy, aptly discussed comprehensively about Human Intelligence and the significance of Artificial Intelligence.

On this occasion, Prof. Hrushikesh Mohanty, Vice Chancellor, KIIT University; Dr. S.C Satpathy, Founder, FICTA; Prof. Veena. Goswami, Dean, School of Computer Applications, KIIT University and Prof. S. Mishra, Dean, School of Computer Engineering, KIIT University enlightened the audience regarding FICTA, its significance and the impact of technology on present days' life.
Dr. S.C. Satpathy, Founder of FICTA, profusely thanked KIIT and its Founder, Prof. Achyuta Samanta for his relentless endeavor towards the cause of education, research and the upliftment of the downtrodden.
The Delegates, Invited Guests, Researchers, Practitioners and Volunteers had an enriching time by interacting and learning about various topics on Computational Intelligence, Computer Processing and Image Processing, etc. In all, it was a worthwhile experience from all aspects  of knowledge sharing in the true sense.

*News Source : KIIT NEWS.
International Conference on Frontiers of Intelligent Computing : KIIT University International Conference on Frontiers of Intelligent Computing : KIIT University Reviewed by AAPKIIT on 08:10 Rating: 5
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